Friday, 24 March 2017

Working together at Discovery Time

Our discovery time Fridays...

We have been thinking about how we can work together and solve problems at our discovery time sessions. 
There is a lot of great thinking going on, and when we come up against a problem we are working on thinking it through to find a solution.
Have a look at out latest slideshow.  What a lot of amazing ideas the children come up with!

Thursday, 9 March 2017


Ringo and Yo-Yo visit the Weka Pod.

Today Josh asked his mum to bring his budgies in to show the class.
He has had them for 10 weeks.  We think Yo-Yo is a boy and Ringo is a girl, Yo-Yo is the yellow one and Ringo is blue, black and grey.
Josh told how they sharpen their beaks by scratching it against a special bell.  He also told us how to look after a pet budgie.
Thank you Josh and Nicola, we were all very interested in you lovely pet budgies.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Discovery Time on Friday 3 March

Discovery Time

We had yet another great Discovery Time on Friday.  
It is fantastic to see the number of children who bring in equipment from home to carry out their projects. This show shows what independent managers of their learning our children are becoming.
This week we had a number of children who chose to design and make "small worlds".  We had a few examples on display to help generate ideas.
We also had an idea for making fish - in fitting with our current topic on the shoreline.
Keep those ideas coming, try talking to your child on a Thursday to see what they have in mind for Discovery Time on Friday.  
If you are free to come down and help out, we would love to have you there.