Thursday, 23 November 2017

Discovery time today.

Kyran and Jackson at Disovery time today.

Kyran and Jackson love to go on Pic-Collage at Discovery Time.  They write about creatures they are interested in.  Today they chose crocodiles, here is what they made:

William got really interested in the magnets and made this video:

Friday, 17 November 2017

Water Safety

Water Safety

On Wednesday and Thursday this week our focus at the pool was on water safety.  The children were able to learn about life jackets and how important they are to wear around water and in boats.
It was quite a scary challenge for a lot of us to jump into the big pool and trust that the life jacket would make us "bob up" to the surface again.
Well done everyone for being so brave and giving it a go!

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Swimming Lessons

We have been having a very exciting week travelling to the pool for swimming lessons.  Here is a slideshow of what we have been doing at the pool.